Lisa Pires / Nambora
Lisa has a multi-disciplinary approach. While she has created artwork since she was a child, her career in Advertising has brought a unique perspective to her work, skillfully blending elements of design with her fine art. Each piece has personal meaning, as Lisa’s art is reflective of her own life’s journey.
She signs her work, “Nambora,” a name given to her on a trip to Kenya. “Nambora” translates to “born in the rain,” and represents this particularly transformative period in her life, marked by personal growth. Despite periods of rain and struggle, she’s always come out stronger and wiser.
Lisa studied at the School of Visual Arts in New York City before working as a Graphic Designer, and then Creative Director. While she loves acting as a “visual storyteller” to her clients, which she still does as a regularly commissioned Freelance Designer/Illustrator, her true passion is creating captivating original art.
Lisa resides in the suburbs of Chicago with her husband and dog. She is nana to three beautiful granddaughters.